
Friday, February 05, 2016


I called for a protest outside Freemasons Hall to be held on 28th June 2014, the centennial of the Freemasonic assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, the event that led to WW1. We know Icke accuses Freemasonry of this because in his The Biggest Secret he references The Occult Conspiracy describing a meeting that took place at which Freemasonry organised the assassination. And a week before that planned protest he had stated on his website that he was being harrassed by and receiving death threats from Freemasonry. I had also stated that I had donated hundreds of pounds in his defence. I therefore fully expected him to attend, if only briefly. But on the day it was just me v Freemasonry: I hung around for hours, on my own, shaking my head in disbelief.

Now a few decades ago, Alex Jones had called Icke a "turd in the punch bowl", as if Jones was an oracle (an idea I will destroy later today). And not only that, Jones is on video stating his support for Israel. But what happened just the other week, after Icke had been banging on and on and on about Rothschild Zionism? Icke appears on The Alex Jones Show to fear monger and flog his latest book. And Icke is now promoting a world wide tour to flog his latest book.

So what I don't understand about David Icke is, why does he accuse Freemasonry of virtually every major crime under the sun, WW1 included, whining that the Freemasons are threatening to kill him, but is AWOL when a protest is called for outside Freemasons Hall to protest their engineering of WW1, yet he will appear on the show of someone who called him a turd and who also supports Israel in order to flog his latest book, and flies all over the world to do the same?

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