
Saturday, March 26, 2016


PJW, the editor of Infowhores, recently stated that Ayn Rand is right about everything.

Rand believed in selfishness. Indeed, Rand once stated:
"Capitalism and altruism are incompatible"

Rand also supported Israel, even though Israel was created from terror and the forced removal of nearly one million Palestinians. She also believed that the forced removal of native Americans was a good thing, even though thousands died in the process, and it led to the creation of the Confederacy (of dunces). In both cases she compared the persecuted (Palestinians and native Americans) to savages and wild animals.

The politics of Infowhores is Libertarianism with a sprinkle of The John Birch Society.

Economically, Libertarianism stands for minimal government and the free market, i.e. dog-eat-dog with little protection derived from the state and law.

But as Webster Tarpley pointed out yesterday, Libertarianism favours the mega-corporations and the super-rich against an unorganised and splintered collection of tiny individuals with very few rights, or protection from law or from a trade union. An example of this the union-busting of The Koch Brothers, who fund Libertariansim, and whose father founded the rabidly anti-Communist John Birch Society.

This is not to promote Communism, but introduce some altruism into the politics of Infowhores.

Libertarianism is an economic hoax to drag in the power of the mega-corporations for it to be applied to the powerless, rightless individual.

Plain and simple.

Yes, there is freedom.

But it is freedom for the mega-corporations to exploit the working class via union-busting and zero hours contracts.

(See, Bolton Monarchy, I really am referring to Ayn Rand)

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