
Friday, April 29, 2016


Trump barely mentions that wall now. When he first began to campaign it was all about that wall.

Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall. Wall.

It was all he ever mentioned.

But now?

Now all we hear from him is he thinks the US military is weak, that it needs beefing up much more, and nations are going to pay for protection.

This sounds almost like a Mafia operation: the US intelligence apparatus could create phantom enemies for particular countries; those countries then seek protection from those enemies from the USA.

But isn't that similar to what happens now?

A bigger US military will lead to bigger temptations and bigger wars. For the ruling class in the USA will believe even more in their hegemony, their manifest destiny, and feel confident that, with the not-so-bright buffoon Trump in the White House, nobody will stand in their way as they charge around the world overthrowing legitimately elected governments and grabbing natural resources.

The one chart to explain all this is:

This is the estimation from the International Institute for Strategic Studies on the military budgets of the top five spenders on their military (values in Billions US Dollars).

So there's the poor, weak, destitute US military (1,2,3, aaawwww) with a pauper's budget of nearly $600 billion. I know. Barely enough for a bag of fish and chips, eh?

But next up is China, which spends nearly $150 billion. In other words, China, with a population of 1.3 billion spends on its military one quarter of what the US, with a population of 323 million, spends on its military.

It is of great interest that in his foreign policy speech a few days ago, Trump appeared to be more conciliatory towards Russia than China. This reflects the Asia pivot, in which the USA is seeking to dominate the Pacific Ocean and China's access to its local seas and oceans.

So if Trump gets in, will we see a US military funded by a budget of $1 trillion?

And what do you think the war party will think of that? A $1 trillion-a-year military just sat around on its arse all day when there's governments to overthrow and resources to grab?

The temptation will be irresistible!!!!

Trump has already expressed his love for Israel, stated that he would support Saudi Arabia (but for a fee, which is grotesque), and believes that Iran is the mischief maker in the Middle East, when by now, through conversations with blood-drinking Confederate General Alex Jones, he should be conviced of the complicity of both Israel and Saudi Arabia in 9/11, and that Iran is a target for war not the warmonger.

I fear for this planet if Trump gets in.

He is more concerned about deporting and stopping immigrants, and exerting US hegemony around the globe through a much more powerful US military.

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