
Saturday, May 28, 2016


Trump has been claiming that he opposed the wars in Iraq and Libya. But before and as those wars started he supported those wars. It was only after the wars started to go badly that El Trumpo started to criticise how the wars were being run (but still supporting them) and only after then did he 'oppose' them. I covered this in LYIN' DON'S GREATEST LIES.

But a few days ago Dodgy Roger Stone held an AMA on Reddit. This is available to watch at:

At about 07:00 Dodgy Roger starts to discuss possible VPs for Trump, and then claims that Trump opposed the wars.

This is extremely important for several reasons:
1. Trump and Stone are either lying about going to war, or both showing signs of dementia, so either way they cannot be trusted;
2. Trump loves Israel and would support Saudi Arabia's further intervention in Syria, believing that it is Iran who is the troublemaker in the Middle East, when even Clinton admits that the USA is doing Israel's dirty work:

1. why are Infowhores and Stone protecting CIA/mob-connected Trump by ignoring Roy Cohn but attacking Sanders' wife;
2. why are Infowhores and Stone protecting CIA/mob-connected Trump by claiming that Trump opposed the wars in Iraq and Libya when he fully supported them;
3. why are the media only weakly attacking Trump and actually giving him free air time to propagate a wholesome image (when he is as sleazy as they come) when he loves Israel, supports Saudi Arabia invading Syria and blames Iran for everything.

Some claim that Trump is a true patriot.

But would a true patriot whine about biased trade deals that ship American jobs overseas...but then exploit those same trade deals and ship his jobs overseas so that he and his family can use sweatshop labour in places like Bangladesh when Americans are dying in the streets due to lack of jobs?

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