
Saturday, May 28, 2016


Sweden has started to creep towards NATO.

Remember 18 months ago the Swedish navy was searching for an object that had somehow managed to navigate its way into the channels near Stockholm. NATO media immediately claimed it was a Russian submarine. They were right...but off by a century!! The Swedish navy eventually claimed last summer that it was probably a Russian sub from WW1!!

But never mind. The NATO population, and that of Sweden, were given the impression that those damned Rooskies were invading here, there and everywhere, when it was in fact NATO doing that, expanding ever eastward when they said they wouldn't.

And this occurs while NATO makes an enemy of Russia in Poland, Romania and, by the appointment of former NATO Sec Gen Rasmussen as 'Advisor' to Poroshenko, Ukraine.

So NATO's Nazis burn alive scores of anti-Maidan protestors in Odessa. And Odessa appoints Saakashvili as Governor of Odessa, when it was Saakashvili who provoked the 2008 war with Russia in Georgia after Saakashvili shelled the civilians of South Ossetia as they slept in their beds.

And now Rasmussen, under whom the coup in Ukraine occured after NATO supported neo-Nazis, as they shot protestors from the Conservatory, provoked a riot and a coup, after which their man Yatsenyuk packed his junta with those gun-toting neo-Nazis who then indiscriminately bombed and shelled the civilians of East Ukraine, killing 7000 but also creating the conditions for MH17 to be shot down.

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