
Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Looks like Flynn sold out to the Zionists.

All you need to do to understand how Trump has sold out is to read Flynn's statement to the Joint Foreign Affairs and
HASC Subcommittees on 10th June 2015, which is available here. Flynn, like Trump, blames Iran for everything.

Which is why I am very, very concerned about this report which suggests that Trump via Flynn has told Israel to do whatever it wants and that the USA is going to sort Iran out once and for all for Israel.

Donald Trump’s presidency will enable Israel and the United States to advance joint moves on several diplomatic and security issues that weren’t possible under U.S. President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said at several closed meetings over the past two weeks, according to a senior cabinet minister.

The minister, who asked to remain anonymous, said Netanyahu’s great expectations of Trump stemmed from what Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and acting National Security Adviser Jacob Nagel heard from Michael Flynn, whom Trump has nominated as his national security adviser. Both men met with Flynn in the United States earlier this month.

...The principal meeting, which Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer also attended, was with Flynn on December 1.

Outside Trump’s family, Flynn is one of the people closest to Trump. He also formerly headed the Defense Intelligence Agency. But he is a controversial figure in the American defense and intelligence community, and during the campaign, he disseminated fake news and conspiracy theories on his Twitter account. Moreover, in at least one case, he retweeted an anti-Semitic tweet.

The meeting with Flynn largely focused on Iran, and especially the world powers’ nuclear agreement with Tehran. Another key topic was the Syrian civil war. Nagel and Cohen outlined Israel’s critical interests in any future solution to that war – primarily, keeping Iran and Hezbollah from gaining control of Syria.

...The Flynn meeting convinced Netanyahu and several other ministers that Israeli policy needs to be adjusted in light of Trump’s election win. The diplomatic-security cabinet hasn’t yet held an in-depth meeting on the implications of Trump’s victory for Israel and the policy changes it will entail. But such a meeting is expected to take place soon, possibly even later this week.

“Very significant developments are expected in everything related to American policy,” the senior minister said. “The situation is one in which the question of what Israel wants on every issue has become much more relevant. There’s an opportunity here, but it’s not certain that Netanyahu himself has decided what he wants to do.”

[source : With Donald Trump, Netanyahu sees opportunity for 'historic changes' for Israel, Haaretz,, 20th December 2016]

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