
Sunday, December 18, 2016


Still wondering why Trump won?

The Algemeiner reports: The biggest challenge facing the Middle East is the “potential domination of the region by an Iran that is both imperial and jihadist,” former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said at a New York City gathering on Thursday.

“[America must] make it clear that we are opposed to a further territorial expansion of Iran and what we are asking of the Iranians is to act like a nation, and not like crusaders,” Kissinger stated in remarks made at the America-Israel Friendship League’s 2016 Partners for Democracy Awards Dinner, where the 93-year-old statesman was the guest of honor. “What we have to see to is that Iran does not achieve such a dominant position that the whole region explodes.”

[source : Kissinger: Iran Domination Attempts Biggest Threat to Mideast, Breitbart,, 13th November 2016]

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