
Friday, July 14, 2017


For a few days this week Natalia Veselnitskaya was the most famous person in the world, with the potential of bringing down Trump.

Trumpers tried to prove that she was a Democrat plant, because she sat behind Michael McFaul once, and she attended a march. One describes this: pathetic!

So just who is Natalia Veselnitskaya?

...Natalia Veselnitskaya is a lot more than a “Russian lawyer.” To fully explain who she is would require me to write a novel length post, so I’m going to ask you to do a little of the work here by following some of the links. You can start by skimming through the complaint that then-U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara filed against Denis Katsyv and his corporations. What you’ll find is a painfully detailed description of the biggest tax heist in modern Russian history and the astonishing amount of work that went into laundering the proceeds from the robbery. You’ll discover that the conspiracy was hatched and carried out by members of the Klyuev Group. Members of the Klyuev Group are described as Russian mobsters linked to the Russian government. In this case they’re linked to the Russian government through connections in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Tax Ministry, and the courts. Without these connections, the tax heist would not have been possible.

The conspiracy was very, very complicated and I spent many hours over the weekend reading up on it. I won’t attempt to retell the whole story here. One thing you need to know, though, is that the folks who uncovered the conspiracy have not had an easy time of it. The first man to piece it all together died at the hands of the Interior Ministry. Another was recently pushed out of a 4th story window.

The key figure in Bharara’s case, Denis Katsyv, was represented by Natalia Veselnitskaya. She was the guest who met with Trump’s inner circle. Another key figure, Andrey Pavlov, is described as “the consigliere for the Klyuev Group.”

Now, one of the most curious things about this case is that it involved a $230 million theft from the Russian treasury but Vladimir Putin hasn’t shown the least bit of concern about the lost money. Instead, he’s been happy to see the whistleblowers and investigators arrested, beaten to death and pushed out of windows.

[source : Trump’s Inner Circle Met With No Ordinary Russian Lawyer, Washington Monthly,, 10th July 2017]

Read the whole article.

She is not your ordinary Russian lawyer.

And she is definitely NOT a Democrat plant just because she sat behind Michael McFaul.

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