
Friday, August 25, 2017


Hurricane Harvey is expected to hit Austin, TX quite bad over the weekend.

Is Harvey God's vengeance upon Austin resident Alex Jones?

I know this sounds ridiculous, but read what Infowars posted over the last Christmas period:
Because Barack Obama has cursed Israel at the United Nations, America is now under a curse. Friday’s stunning betrayal of Israel at the UN Security Council is making headlines all over the planet, but the truth is that what Obama has just done is far more serious than most people would dare to imagine.

Over the past several decades, whenever the U.S. government has taken a major step toward the division of the land of Israel it has resulted in a major disaster hitting the United States. This keeps happening over and over again, and yet our leaders never seem to learn. And despite the fact that President-elect Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and prominent members of both parties in Congress strongly urged Obama to veto Security Council resolution 2334, he went ahead and let it pass anyway.

...There have literally been dozens of instances in recent decades when the U.S. has been hit by some sort of immediate disaster when it has made a move toward the dividing of the land of Israel. The following are ten of the most prominent examples that stand out to me…

#1 The last time the U.S. government refused to veto an anti-Israel resolution at the UN Security Council was in 1979. On March 22nd, 1979 the Carter administration chose not to veto UN Resolution 446. Four days after that on March 26th, the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty was signed in Washington. As a result of that treaty, Israel gave up a tremendous amount of territory. Two days later, on March 28th, the worst nuclear power plant disaster in U.S. history made headlines all over the globe.

[source : 10 Times That God Has Hit America With A Major Disaster After The U.S. Attempted To Divide The Land Of Israel, Infowars,, 26th December 2016]

And it goes on like that: the bible; scripture; Word of God, etc, etc, etc.

Looks like World Net Daily type stuff, and that Infowars may actually believe it!

So is God unhappy with Alex because he is not doing enough for Israel?

Will Austin suffer floods of biblical proportions because of Alex?

Or is it just a load of baloney?

[disclaimer : this was satire]

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