
Monday, October 02, 2017


Check out this Alex Jones family tree and the activities listed from the website Alex Jones Exposed:

So, Alex, what is and is not true?

All I know is that:
1. Alex has admitted live on air that half is family is CIA;
2. his late uncle Biff was some kind of liaison between the CIA and Reagan's death squads in Latin America;
3. Alex's father did some dental implant work for the CIA (as opposed to worked for the CIA), and introduced Alex to the extreme right wing John Birch Society;
4. Alex has admitted live on air to working with 'factions' in some intelligence agencies;
5. Alex is the self-proclaimed leader of 'the resistance', and is a multi-millionaire from flogging right wing propaganda as the truth (and is still alive while many other conspiracy researchers have been killed).

This tree seems to show that it all goes a lot deeper.

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