
Saturday, October 21, 2017


Below are a couple of plots of the US national debt.

After WW2 the US national debt was slowly declining for several decades.

But then Infowars' Dodgy Roger Stone bought the 1980 election for Ronald Reagan by delivering a $125k bung from deep, dark CIA agent Roy Cohn. Reagan implemented what came to be known as Reaganomics. Reagan slashed taxes and unleashed Wall Street.

What do you notice about the US national debt under Reagan and Bush 41?

Yup. It nearly tripled!

Then Bill Clinton became POTUS.

What do you notice about the US national debt under Clinton?

Yup. He reduced it!

So 12 years of Republican Reaganomics led to a massive increase in the US national debt. Then 8 years of Democrat Clinton led to the increases under the Republicans at first stalled and then reversed.

Then George W Bush became POTUS (again with a little help from Dodgy Roger Stone who organised a riot to stop a recount in Florida which handed Florida to Bush!).

What do you notice about the US national debt under W Bush?

Yup. It began to increase again after Bush slashed taxes. And then around 2007 the US national debt accelerated due to the financial crisis that was again partly due to Dodgy Roger Stone who scuttled Eliot Spitzer which allowed the crisis to develop into the global crisis it became.

The US national debt recently passed $20 trillion.

Trump thinks he can reduce debt by repeating the mistakes of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 by slashing taxes and unleashing Wall Street. But Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 tried that and look what happened. Surely consulting with Bill Clinton could be a wise move. Clinton first stalled and then reversed the increases of the US national debt.

It's people like Stone and Alex Jones who rant and rave about the Federal Reserve, but they've just helped to elect Trump who is going back to the future by slashing taxes and unleashing Wall Street, which as modern history has shown, spells doom with an increase in debt to the Federal Reserve.

By en:User:O18 - United States Government Originally uploaded by O18 (talk) to en:Wikipedia (log)., CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

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