
Thursday, October 19, 2017


Tony Gosling tweeted this about the Ordinance of Secession of Texas in 1861, which highlights just how racist Texas was at that time:

I was looking at this stuff two years ago. You can find the full text in several places. But one page which is very interesting lists the signatories...and two of them have the surname Jones!

F Jones, and Tignal W Jones.

That page can be found > here <.

So why is this interesting?

Because our dear self-proclaimed leader of the resistance, Alex Jones, who has admitted to working with 'factions' inside some intels, is descended from two families who have ancestors who fought at the rank of colonel and even general for the Confederate Army! Jones claims that these 'factions' chose to 'work' with him because of his family's links to the political class in Texas, and that therefore he was of the right stock. And what's more, the full name of his late uncle Biff, who was some kind of liaison between the CIA and Reagan's Latin American death squads, was William "Biff" Forrest Hamman.

Can you think of anyone called Forrest who a Confederate family would name their son after?

Coz I can: Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan.

So what is undeniable truth and what is mere suspicion and speculation?

Only Alex can tell us.

But he won't.

Too busy flogging the latest Anglo-Zionist-Saudi boy, Trump.

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