
Monday, December 04, 2017


He rode into the White House on a white horse, a hero for white America, claiming he was gonna produce jobs! jobs! jobs! His great idea was to slash taxes for the rich (like himself and Alex Jones) and they'll use the profits for investment and job growth.

Turns out it ain't gonna work.

Which is no surprise coz Reagan tried it and it didn't work then either.

What Trump needs is a JFK-style investment tax credit.

Here's what historical evidence and CEOs of major corporations say about Trump's tax plan:
...Claims that corporate tax cuts will make it all the way down to workers’ wages are not supported by real-world evidence.

There is no evidence in recent American economic history, no evidence from international comparisons and no evidence from individual U.S. states that corporate tax cuts will boost the wages of American workers. This is a case we’ve been making for a while.

As it turns out, the CEOs of major companies agree with us. Companies including Cisco, Pfizer, Coca-Cola and Amgen have said that the gains from corporate tax cuts will go to shareholders.

When CEOs were asked at a Wall Street Journal event to raise their hands, “If the tax reform bill goes through, do you plan to increase investment — your company’s investment, capital investment,” few raised their hands.

White House National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn asked “Why aren’t the other hands up?” The hands weren’t up because the gains from corporate tax cuts will go to shareholders, not workers.

This means the gains from cutting corporate taxes will disproportionately accrue to the rich, since the top 1 percent holds about 40 percent of stock wealth.

[source : CEOs agree: Corporate tax cuts won't trickle down, The Hill,, 3rd December 2017]

So rather than jobs, jobs, jobs and wealth trickle down, we will see a trickle up to the top 1% who already own more than the poorest 50%, and the working and middle classes pay more. Some more jobs will be created (unless Trump unleashing Wall Street leads to yet another banker-inspired financial crisis), but I doubt that it will be on the scale that Trump hinted. You see, there are these things called robots that are taking ver human jobs at an alarming rate. And the rich are greedy. They only invest in jobs if there is an easy, obvious, vast profit to be made. That's why JFKs investment tax credit worked. Corporations only got the tax cut if they invested in job growth. That is not in the Trump Tax Plan.

So there is no incentive to invest in job growth, and robots are taking what jobs are being created. A JFK investment tax plan that incentivises investment in real jobs for humans is what Trump needs.

The Trump Tax Plan was a rushed, botched greedy job passed just so he can say he has got some major legislation passed. It consists of several hundred pages, some with handwritten scribbles as legal text, and was voted on just hours after it was released. This is the same kind of sneaky trick used to get the Patriot Act passed.

As with selling out to the Saudis, Trump has sold ordinary Americans down the river.

Infowars should be very proud of themselves.

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