
Monday, May 07, 2018


Probably something to do with Dodgy Roger Stone too, because he enabled the financial crisis of 2007/8 which led to cuts in services and assistance.

So Infowar$ love and push conservatism. Conservatism has led to a 50% increase in child poverty while we've aided cutthroat jihadis in Libya and Syria.

It was reported by The Independent at the teachers conference this year that many teachers are assisting their poor pupils more and more, with food and clothes. And I recently spoke to a primary headteacher who backed this up with her observations.

So underf the Tories we have many more poor, starving children while we aid cutthroat Jihadis and spend hundreds of billions on a nuclear arsenal we will never use.

Nice one, bruvva!
One million more children in working households are growing up in poverty than did so in 2010, largely because of cuts to in-work benefits and public sector pay freezes, research for the Trades Union Congress has found.

A study by Landman Economics found that child poverty in working families will hit 3.1 million in the 2018-19 tax year up almost 50 per cent from 2.1 million when the coalition government came to power.

Around 600,000 of those children have been pushed into poverty by pay freezes and benefits cuts, the study calculated. Weak wage growth and the spread of insecure work have also contributed the overall rise of one million, while some is a result of population growth.

[source : Child poverty up 1 million since 2010, largely because of benefit cuts and pay freezes, study finds, The Independent,, 7th May 2018]

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