
Monday, October 29, 2018


Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ supported the extreme right-wing Bolsonaro in the Brazilian election. Bolsonaro supported the US-backed junta that ran Brazil from 1964 to 1985, which was the classic US-backed tyranny: rape; torture; that sort of thing. In 2014 Bolsonaro told a female member of the Brazilian congress that he wouldn't rape her because he thought she wasn't worthy of rape.

Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ recently joined the extreme right UKIP along with 3 others: Count Dankula, who, like we all do, trained a dog to make a Nazi salute and to get excited when asked, "Let's gas the Jews?"; Milo Whatshisface, who detests Palestinians and called for the assassination of journalists, similar to Trump praising violence against journalists; and one Sargon of Akkad, who tweeted to a female MP that he wouldn't even rape her.

This is not populism.

This is a far right take-over under the disguise of 'populism'.

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