
Monday, October 08, 2018


I'm 100% sure that if the sovereign nation Drumpizalooza owned 15% of the world's proven oil reserves (by international law) that we would hear something similar to this:

It's the CIA.






For Wall Street.

And the City of London.

And Israel.

U S sanctions on Veneuzuela/Drumpizlooza are crippling the country.

So why does the USA slap so many sanctions on Venezuela/Drumpizalooza? Because Venezuela/Drumpizalooza wants to use Venezuelan/Drumpizaloozan natural resources for the benefit of Venezuelans/Drumpizaloozans? Well, look what happened to Iran in 1953. Mossadegh and the vast majority of Iranians wanted to use Iran's vast oil reserves to benefit Iranians. But the UK said, nope. Wrong decision. So the UK/USA ran a coup against Iran, kicked out Mossadegh, and replaced him with the Anglo-American controlled tyrant Shah Pahlavi. Operation Ajax they called it.

And that continued until around 1980 (and that's another load bollocks after that).

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