
Saturday, October 20, 2018


Earlier this year, Tommy Robinson almost destroyed the case against a gang of Asian paedophiles based in Huddersfield. Before this trial Robinson was given a suspended sentence for jeopardising a similar case involving suspected Asian peadophiles. Robinson was told not to appear anywhere near a similar trial again and if he did then he would be sent to prison. Robinson accepted the terms of the suspended sentence.

So what does Robinson do?

At the trial of this Huddersfield gang, he turns up, contfronts the defendants, and gives a live broadcast outside the court. This risked a mistrial, leading to the victims being forced to give testimony again which because of the distress the victims may not have done and the defedants not being found guilty. Thankfully, Robinson's reckless actions did not lead to the now-guilty walking free, but they could have done.

So why did Robinson risk a mistrial so he could enhance his fame?

Robinson is a traitor working for Israel.

Robinson proudly publishes photos of himself wearing Mossad and pro-Israel T-shirts. There are photos of him standing on Israeli tanks brandishing an automatic weapon. And he detests Palestinians and their supporters.

But does Robinson know that it was the Zionists who kept WW1 going for at least 2 more years? Just so they could be given Palestine as a homeland after WW1? The same Zionists who terrorised 800,000 Palestinians off their lands and farms into Gaza and the West Bank?

I seriously doubt it.

Robinson was the Shillman Fellow at Rebel Media. Rebel Media is run by Ezra Levant, who is the biggest Zionist journalist in Canada. In 2014, while Israel was slaughtering children in Gaza, Levant organised a rally in support of Israel.

And then there's Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ of the U S Military Intelligence asset Infowars (or should that be Infofears?). Around the time of this trial of this paedophile gang in Huddersfield, Infowars had Tommy Robinson or his rep on everyday. Jud-a$$ produced only a few videos which sort of questioned Israel's infanticidal actions in 2014, but did not condemn them. But in 2016, when super duper Zionist merchant of death Bomber Drumpf was running for the Presidency, Jud-a$$ began hanging out with the Zionist media, like Rebel.

Turns out that Drumpf and Infowars sold us all out. He and Infowars are agents of the same U S Military Intelligence network that did 9/11. This explains so much. Yet the 'alternative' media say nothing, allowing Infowars to spew their pro-Trump, pro-Israel, pro-war propaganda without question.

And it is the likes of traitor Tommy Robinson who assists this treason for Israel and the Zionists who kept WW1 unnecessarily going for 2 more years.

If you are a Zionist then you are a traitor.

So most of the UK Labour Party, and virtually all of the LibDems and Tories are traitors. As are UKIP, because they are consulting with U S Military Intelligence asset Jud-a$$ on their PR and strategy.

Which is why Jeremy Corbyn is under attack and should thus be the next PM of the UK.

And lest we forget: Trump is guilty of very similar actions as this Huddersfield gang, using drink and drugs on vulnerable girls for sex. Only Trump and his sleazy mates dangled the prospect of lucrative modelling contracts in front of these vunerable girls as well got them drunk and high as a kite.

So where's Trump now?


In the White House. Making extremely rich Americans even richer. Moving the U S Embassy to Jerusalem. Building bases in Syria. Allying with the Saudis (despite them sawing a journalist to death alive and dissolving his body in acid). And accelerating towards war on Iran.

So, yep. Congratulations to U S Military Intelligence-controlled Infowars.

Their scientific charlatan will not be exposing what I'm exposing.

Congratulations on selling out, not just yourselves, but everyone on this planet, your nieces, nephews, etc but also the dead who died on 9/11 and in the subsequent wars, to the network that did 9/11.

Which is why Infowars and their controllers, the network that did 9/11 as well uses EM weapons against people they don't like, want me dead, to shut me up.

Because nobody else is saying what I'm saying.

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