
Thursday, December 13, 2018


Don't be a son of pervert David Icke coz George Soros will somehow always get you in the end?

Soros and Murdoch are both globalist manipulators: Soros for NATO and 'the left'; Murdoch for the Zionists and 'the right'.

The difference between them is that Murdoch plans the murder of millions years in advance (Kristol, leading to PNAC, leading to 9/11 and the subsequent PNAC wars on Iraq, etc), while Soros finances revolutions in which hardly anyone dies but advance NATO and/or 'the left'.

Murdoch, to me, stands for Zionist wars and mass murder, while Soros stands for revolutions for NATO, left or right, but very few deaths.

So when I see Murdoch organising chaos (Brexit, Trump) I start asking questions: how many are going to die for Murdoch in the next 5 years? And why?

Which at the moment nobody seems to be able to answer.

I suspect the answer is that the chaos induced by a hard Brexit, which some other nations will demand (e.g. Italy) will weaken Europe so much that it will not want to or be able to resist war on Iran as per the PNAC 9/11 war plan, which is at least 10 years behind schedule. The Zionists control the USA (and will use Trump for this after Adelson financed Trump into The White House) and Russia (I've explained why Putin is controlled). I would seriously start to investigate who finances the populists in Europe. Expect to find Zionists.

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