
Sunday, December 09, 2018


9/11 was done to kick off a series of wars that were designed to last 5 years.

It took the Zionists 18 months worth of lies and total BS to convince the USA that after 9/11 they should invade Iraq (who had nothing to do with 9/11).

But still, the plan was for war and regime change in 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. This was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. He only told us in 2003 in his book Winning Modern Wars.

But I've often wondered why the Zionists risked exposing this plan by going into Afghanistan first.

Yes, the initial blame was laid on ObL suffering from Marfan Syndrome requiring frequent kidney dialysis. But they could have claimed that he was living in Iraq. But they didn't. Instead Aghanistan was invaded first. Why? Christopher Bollyn explained this in one of his videos. It was Israel behind Hekmatyar! The Taliban were eradicating the opium industry and by 2001 had almost totally eradicated it. The USA kicks out the Taliban coz of ObL and 9/11? Hey presto! Opium back to record levels. Which tells you all you need to know about who runs the global drug trade.

But back to the main 9/11 plan.

Taking March 2003 as the starting point, the plan should have been completed March 2008.

But by then only Iraq and Lebanon had been attacked, and Lebanon was only attacked by Israel (which I believe exposes who is really behind 9/11 and the subsequent wars).

So here we are, 10 years after the PNAC wars should have been over and forgotten.

But the PNAC wars not over.

Despite Putin doing his best to find a middle path between allowing Syria to be defeated and saving Syria to save himself after MH17, he is now trying to get Iran out of Syria, while Trump having tweeted Obama dozens of times to get out of Syria is now building more and more bases in Syria and we still hear that the USA wants Assad gone. Only one party benefits from that: Israel. Plus Putin, only after 3 years, had not given Syria the S300 until a few weeks ago. And then there was that very strange agreement in which Israel could do anything they wanted in Syria as long as Israel told Russia first.

And this while the USA, under 'anti-establishment' Trump is building more and more bases in Syria, and fomenting Kurdish nationalism. Which leads to the next war: Iran.

Iran is le grand fromage. It is the Big Kahuna. The big one. It is ultimately why 9/11 was done.

And yet Iran has yet to be attacked, despite several provocations, notably the British sending several Marines into Iranian waters in 2007.

Yes, Trump is piling on the pressure on Iran with sanctions and sanctions and, yes, more sanctions.

But he's also being advised by Kissinger!

Kissinger!! Who says he would prefer Islamic State to Iran!!

The Kurdish nation spans several modern nations, one of whom is Iran. By fomenting Kurdish nationalism Trump is driving for war on Iran. Note that I didn't say WW3. I've seen and explained enough evidence that Putin will offer no or very little resistance to war on Iran.

So with the USA and Russia under Israeli control, only one entity can stop war on Iran: the EU.

The EU opposes war on Iran.

The EU opposes Israel's destruction and occupation of Palestine.

The EU wants to continue the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran.

So, if you were a Zionist how do you destroy the EU?

As Putin's adviser Dugin suggested: get Britain out of the EU!

I am 90% convinced that the ultimate plan is for a world government (UN) overseeing continental governments (EU, NAU).

But plans can go wrong as so often they do.

And now is a time when a plan (the plan for the 9/11 wars) has gone wrong, so the bigger plan (world government, EU, etc) must be adjusted and maybe temporarily sacrificed to get the 9/11 plan accomplished through war on Iran without resistance from a EU which at the moment could offer significant resistance and even totally expose the plan.

Why else would CIA asset and Mega-Zionist Rupert Murdoch drive Brexit through his global media empire?

Why else is Mossad asset Tommy Robinson marching for hard Brexit?

Because the Zionists want total chaos to damage the EU.

But then after Putin allows a US-led war on Iran, that will not be resisted by a crippled EU, things will get very quickly get back to normal regarding EU, UN, etc.

Britain will rejoin the EU, even actively promoted by Murdoch, or he will be told to stand down.

If he's still alive by then.

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