
Sunday, December 09, 2018


There is the small matter of the meaningful vote on Tuesday. MPs will vote for or against (or even abstain, which could play a big role) a withdrawal agreement reached between the UK and the EU.

But why is this vote taking place at all?

I think Israel is playing a major role in this Brexit drama.

And here's why.

On 11th September 2001 Israel attacked the USA. They'd done it before in June 1967 when they attacked, with the acquiesence of hard line Zionist President Lyndon Baines Johnson, the USS Liberty and killed 34 US military personnel. I also believe that Israel was at the very least involved in the assassinations of President John F Kennedy and his brother Robert. Israel wanted nukes. JFK said nope. And if Robert had been elected he would have kicked Israel out of the USA and opened a new investigation into his brother's assassination.

9/11 was done to drag the USA and others, eg UK, into a series of wars to fight Israel's enemies, and to grab natural resources in the Middle East and Caspian. Seven nations were named as targets, all of whom had nothing to do with 9/11: Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Somalia. Most of these have experienced war and/or regime change since 9/11. But the biggest and most powerful of these 7 nations has yet to be attacked: Iran.

The UK, with John Major as PM, signed up to the Maastricht Treaty in the first half of the 1990s. One man who strongly opposed this was Rupert Murdoch. Major told the Levenson Inquiry that Murdoch told thim that if he didn't change his government's position on Europe then Murdoch would force his media empire to oppose Major in the 1997 general election. Major stood his ground. In 1997 Murdoch backed Tony Blair (or Tory Bluuuur), and Major lost.

But Blair is as pro-Europe as Major!

So why did Murdoch back pro-EU Blair?

Because Blair is a Zionist, while Major (a Jew) isn't.

Then on 9/11 the Zionists attacked the USA, and Blair went to war for Israel against Iraq.

Murdoch's media empire led the calls and demands for war. Indeed, it was Murdoch who had earlier financed William Kristol to create the Neoconservative movement in the USA to prepare the USA to fight Israel's wars. Kristol co-founded The Project for a New American Century which played crucial and pivotal roles in driving the USA into the aforementioned series of wars which continues to this day, particularly in Syria.

And whose global media empire backed Trump in 2016? Yep. Murdoch. The two even met at Trump's Scottish golf course for the weekend in the summer of 2016.

Murdoch also met Farage a few times in secret. Then Murdoch's media empire began to back UKIP. This drove a wedge into The Conservative Party. Cameron didn't want the Tory party split over Europe just before a general election so he held a referendum over EU membership. A poorly crafted referendum was held with a very vague question and very poor procedures should the result be leave. Murdoch's media empire vociferously pushed leave. So Britain voted leave. And now the UK is in a mess and could soon be in chaos.

Trump's prime financial sponsor was Sheldon Adelson. He publishes a free newspaper in support of infanticidal Benjamin Netanyahu, who Trump called "a great guy" after Netanyahu had murdered 500 children in Gaza in 2014. Trump is piling the pressure onto Iran. He has pulled the USA out of the Iran nuclear deal. And despite dozens of tweets by Trump demanding that Obama bring the troops home and stop bombing everywhere, Trump is not just continuing Obama's foreign policy he is escalating it. Trump, who says that nobody loves Israel more than he does and that nobody is more loyal to Israel than he is, is building more bases in Syria. Mega-Zionist Trump is very pro-leave.

Now, let's look at Putin.

He allowed the wars on Iraq, Lebanon, Libya (through his puppet Medvedev) and Syria. Russia only joined the war in Syria just 1 week before the publication of the final report into MH17. There was also that dodgy deal with Israel in which Israel could do anything they wanted in Syria but they had to tell Russia first! And for 3 years Russia didn't give Syria it's world class air defence system. THREE YEARS! It was only after an incident a month or 2 ago, in which a Russian plane was shot down by Syria, that Russia gave Syria the S300.

Trump was helped into power by the Zionists. That assistance is not so clear with Putin. But Putin's recent actions indicate that he is in with the Zionists:
1. allowed the Zionist wars;
2. watches as Gaza becomes uninhabitable;
3. high fives the Saudi butcher MbS;
4. allows the Saudi war on Yemen and is flogging the S400 to the Saudis;
5. at Helsinki agreed with Trump to guarantee the security of Israel;
6. is trying to get Iran out of Syria for Israel.

This list is not exhaustive.

Both the USA (definitely controlled by the Zionists) and Russia (highly likely controlled by the Zionists) see the EU as a threat. The prime adviser to Putin, Aleksander Dugin, proposed that Russia should get Great Britain out of the EU.

And then you've got UKIP. Murdoch pushed UKIP under Farage. But now UKIP has been infiltrated by U S Military Intelligence and Mossad, through Paul Joseph Watson (who has been an aset of U S Military Intelligence for years) persuading UKIP leader Gerard Batten to employ his best mate Tommy Robinson (Zionist who wears Mossad t-shirts) as adviser on Islam!

The EU supports Palestine and wants the Iran nuclear deal to continue.

Israel wants the exact opposite.

And Israel wants a war on Iran (led by the USA and allowed by Putin) which a strong and together EU could resist and stop.

And was addressed by Tony Gosling, the USA and Russia see the EU as a threat (which is why Dugin advised Putin to get Great Britain out of the EU).

Hence, Israel is behind Brexit.

Which explains why there is at least 1 Israeli flag in the march for hard Brexit being led by Tommy Robinson.

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