
Thursday, December 13, 2018


In 1989 Seymour Durst created the U S National Debt clock which is displayed near Time Square in New York.

When it was first shown in 1989 the U S national debt was $2.7 trillion.

By the end of Trump's first 2 years as POTUS (for Israel) he will have added very close to that amount to the U S national debt so that the U S national debt will be close to if not over $22 trillion.

Trump's addition is and will be for Israel.

For the 0.001%.

And for fat Zionist CIA Confederate sell-out Alex Jones.

Alex's sell-out to the 9/11 Zionist warmongers just landed his children a whole lot of debt for Israel.

The Zionist 9/11 PNAC wars have cost the USA $6 trillion, in just 17 years.

And just watch that debt accelerate when Zionist-controlled Trump has a go at Iran (allowed by Putin) while Europe is in chaos because of Murdoch-driven Brexit.

Alex's children will be liable for all that Zionist debt.

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