
Thursday, January 31, 2019


I strongly believe that my supervisors knew of the surveillance network used against me and did not tell me anything about it but did drop hints, as if to say, "we're watching you."

I also had all the codes ready, and thesis part written.

I have also not logged into my university email account since early September.

If I had submitted then all would appear normal. By not submitting, with the above and written statements that I could complete on time, I am sending a message that I am convinced that something was very, very wrong. I shall be writing to the university in due course to explain.

I shall also be continuing my research as an independent individual and reporting here on TTS.

As for those mob/military intelligence perverts who stole my codes, thesis, ideas and those 2 external drives and my coat: knock yourselves out. I mean literally.

I asked for help. None came. I didn't even get a thanks. I asked very politely many times that my work give for free be deleted, but it wasn't. Instead I got a f*ck you, stalking, cameras in my bedroom, the theft of codes, ideas, thesis. And then over Christmas I discovered that 2 external hard drives and my coat, and only those items, had been stolen from my sister's house at some time in the previous 6 months.

I didn't fire the first shot in this.

The first shot was not offering to help, not even finding out how.

The very big second shot was not deleting my work after I asked very politely many times citing trust.

Now look what's happened.

This all stinks of mob and military intelligence.

I do not consent that my codes, ideas, thesis, etc be used for a plagiarised thesis, or for any other purpose.

When I asked that my work be deleted it should have been. But it wasn't.

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