
Sunday, February 03, 2019


Watson. Icke. Gosling. And many other conspirafreaks. They all want Brexit.

But still no explanation of why Rupert Murdoch is driving Brexit.

Quick reminder of Murdoch:
1. the deep, dark CIA/Mossad agent Roy Cohn persuaded Ozzie Murdoch to illegally broadcast propaganda in support of the CIA's death squads in Latin America, and in return Ozzie Murdoch was given access to America's broadcast networks;
2. Murdoch created Fox News, which is the most popular news outlet in the USA;
3. Murdoch then financed William Kristol and the Neo-conservatives who founded PNAC who wanted war on Iraq and Iran via a "new Pearl Harbor";
4. Murodch's media empire broadcast the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen, the plot of which was the hijacking of a passenger plane which was flown into the WTC;
5. after the "new Pearl Harbor" we know as 9/11, Murdoch's media empire pushed for war on Iraq;
6. in 2016 Murdoch threw his media empire behind Trump (which got Trump within touching distance of Clinton so other media such as Infowars were bought off to get behind Trump);
7. Murdoch met Farage in secret several times and Murdoch's media began to push Farage which provoked Cameron into the Brexit referendum;
8. Murdoch used the Queen to trick Britain into believing she wanted Brexit...and Murdoch is still alive!!

And then you've got Netanyahu threatening the EU to change its attitude to Israel or die.

Liam Fox has agreed the first post-Brexit deal. It's with Israel.

The EU are standing with Iran, when according to the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark there should have been war on and regime change in Iran 10 years ago. Anti-Christ Watson opposed that war and called John Bolton a "mentally usntable maniac". But now, having sold out to U S Military Intelligence and thus probably Mossad too, Watson promotes regime change in Iran, while Bolton is now the NSA to Trump and is driving regime change in and possibly war on Venezuela, not for democracy but for the largest proven oil reserves in the world.

When I see Murdoch manipulating global scale events which benefit Israel then I know there is something very, very wrong.

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