
Sunday, February 24, 2019


Just found this on Gosling's twitter:

And yet millions could be made homeless because of Brexit, which Tony Gosling is strongly in favour of.

But with just less than a month to go before Great Britain leaves the EU the residence and employment rights of millions of people have not been guaranteed.

Millions of non-British citizens in Great Britain and slightly over 1 million British citizens in Europe have received no guarantees that on 30th March they will not be persona non grata and deported. Their health and employment are seriously at risk. Many British citizens may have to return back to the UK, when they had no say in the referendum in 2016. And the British government has not guaranteed anything regarding providing accommodation or health or benefits if such people are forced back to Great Britain.

Stuff to do with IP, or trading in meat or plants? All sorted out.

But real life humans? Who had no say? Could be made homeless, with no assistance from the British government.

And all because part-time pervert David Icke says reptiles live in the moon and receive their orders from Saturn, when it is clearly the extreme rightist Zionists down here on Planet Earth driving Brexit...and all to weaken the EU in preparation for war on Iran and to grab a piece of the NHS and privatised prison system.

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