
Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Trump to Venezuelan military:
“We seek a peaceful transition of power, but all options are open...You will lose everything,”

As I said: as Trump appears to end one war (in Syria, but in reality he's only moving troops/pawns to Iraq while keeping some in Syria to protect Israel), he wants to start another, in Venezuela, as he asked/demanded a year or so ago.

Trump is an asset of U S Military Intelligence. And yes. That is the same U S Military Intelligence who were AWOL on 9/11, and then helped to execute the PNAC wars since then, which still continue to this day, with the big one, on Iran, still to come.

And you can bet that In-Faustus-wars will be cheering it all on. As they will if Trump invades Venezuela. Because In-Faustus-wars is also an asset of the same U S Military Intelligence who were AWOL on 9/11.

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