
Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Martin Sellner is an Austrian extreme rightist who received thousands in finance from the Christchurch Mosque Murderer Tarrant.

Paul Joseph Watson, aka Captain Pervert, used to blame 9/11 and indeed all terror, including 9/11, on the Anglo-American-Zionist Empah and their intels. Until Trump, In-Faustus-Wars saw Trump as a Clinton stooge. Turns out that Trump and In-Faustus-Wars are assets of U S Military Intelligence, who were conveniently AWOL on 9/11.

Since that disgusting sell-out to the network that did 9/11 and, through the likes of mega-Zionist Roy Cohn, also run padeophile networks (Cohn was Trump's protege), Captain Pervert has been flogging the ridiculous claim that all our ills and problems (terror, austerity, etc) are due to leftists, mooslims and immigrants. The global network (Bilderberg/CFR/Freemasonry, etc) that In-Faustus-Wars used to blame for everything are and have been 99% run by white male Anglo-American-Zionist dudes.

So what are the personal consequences of this nauseating sell-out?

They're all part of the same pro-Zionist network. Which is very curious considering that Sellner is very close to the Nazis (see below).

But this shows just how influential the Zionists are: that they get Nazis to be pro-Zionists!! This occured in the 1930s anyway, but it's now 2019. 9/11, Gaza and all that death.

Start to checkout Sellner, Southern, Pettibone, Watson with this. They're all part of the same extreme right, pro-Zionist network. Ezra Levant's Rebel is key to all this. Who is Watson's Zionist bumboy? Yarp! Ezra Levant, who runs Rebel and adores Captain Pervert and retweets all Captain Pervert's vidz.

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