
Friday, March 08, 2019


Captain Pervert has retweeted this from Jack Posobiec.

Posobiec is total Zionist scum. He spent his honeymoon in Israel and constantly tweets in support of Israel, AIPAC, ZOA, etc, etc, etc.

But Captain Pervert is even worse.

You see, In-Faustus-wars made a Rothschild-esque fortune from accusing U S intels, Israel and Saudi Arabia of 9/11. The message from In-Faustus-wars was, "All those poor souls who threw themselves from the 82nd floor of WTC1 and WTC2 to avoid being roasted alive did so because of U S intels, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Now buy our stuff!" Captain Pervert even wrote a half-decent book exposing the intels and their role in 9/11 and global terror in general. For years Infowars would expose the false narrative of 9/11 that Muslims did 9/11 without any help whatsoever from intels. Regular guests would do the same. The money rolled in as viewers signed up for this, that and the other. This morphed into a wide range of In-Faustus-wars lifestyle products which continue to this day, and even include male beauty products last time I looked.

But then around 2015/6 that all changed.

Trump announced he was running for the Presidency. In-Faustus-wars initally mocked Trump as a stooge for the Clintons, showing photos of the Trumps and the Clintons laughing and smiling together.

And then the dark shadow of Dodgy Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars. Stone is the rightist globalist fixer, having played key roles in enabling 9/11 and the subsequent wars, and the financial crisis of 2007/8.

During Israel's barbaric war on Gaza in 2014 Captain Pervert produced just 1 video which mocked Israel's 'right to defend itself', after 4 Palestinian children playing football on the beach were blown up by an Isreali shell.

Stone's role on Infowars was to persuade the Infowars demographic that Trump was the real deal.

But there was a problem: Trump claims to be the biggest Zionist on the planet! At AIPAC in 2016 Trump basically got down on his knees and sucked Zionist you-know-what, promising AIPAC that the first thing he would do as POTUS would be to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal (he actually went to Saudi Arabia instead and sold out to them first).

So what did Infowars do? After having claimed for years that Israel did 9/11?

Yep. They sold out and became great buddies with the Zionist media.

Because some smart Zionists had analysed the political landscape in the USA and saw that Infowars could provide enough votes to be of significance to influence the election. Bilderberg Zionist Murdoch had placed his global media empire behind Trump to put Trump within touching distance of Clinton. But more was needed. So Breitbart, Rebel and other Zionist media went all out for Trump.

And so did In-Faustus-wars. But only after Roger Stone appeared.

Stone, like Trump, is a product of the extreme rightist Zionist network that spawned the deep, dark CIA/Mossad agent Roy Cohn, who ran paedophile networks for the CIA. Trump called Cohn his "greatest friend". But despite Infowars' apparent anti-paedophile position, they have not mentioned Cohn, or if so have promoted him as one of the good guys.

In-Faustus-wars and the Zionist media would appear on each other's shows to promote Trump. The sickest example of this is the creepy relationship between Ezra Levant (who organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide in 2014) and Captain Pervert.

The FBI, who In-Faustus-wars had years earlier accused of covering up and running all manner of terror, did the rest to get Trump elected by, with just days before the election, unnecessarily informing the public that thousands more emails from Clinton had been found and they looked suspicious. This torpedoed Clinton as she lost 5% in the polls. Turns out those emails weren't suspicious after all. But it was too late for Clinton. Trump won. And In-Faustus-wars had served their purpose.

And as the Trump presidency has evolved the message from In-Faustus-wars is now, "Blame leftists, mooslims and immigrants for everything bad, and praise Israel and Zionist Trump for everything good."

Barely a mention of Israel or 9/11 now.

Which brings us nicely back to the above tweet by mega-Zionist Posobiec.

Five years ago Captain Pervert would be nowhere near the likes of Posobiec and his ilk.

But now it's all hands on deck for Israel! Check out the the powwow the next batch of Zionist social media warriors had last weekend! Posobiec, Cernovich, Wohl. And Captian Pervert.

What has happened?

Well, we know that Infowars is an asset of U S Military Intelligence, which is no surprise when you consider just how deep the connections are between Alex Jones' family and the Pentagon/CIA network are.

And where was U S Military Intelligence on 9/11?

AWOL. That's where.

Four hijacked passenger planes flew around the airspace over New York and Washington DC for hours until they allegedly flew into the WTC and even the freakin' Pentagon!!

And now we find out that Zionist Infowars work for AWOL-on-9/11 U S Military Intelligence.

Can Captain Pervert redeem himself? Maybe, if he opens up the whole can of worms between Infowars, Israel/Zionists and intels.

But would he want to? What $ is he on?

Would he survive?

But it's photos like the above that show just how far Infowars has travelled.

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