
Sunday, March 31, 2019


Someone with remote mind-reading technology?

The simulation data couldn't be copied from the University servers, coz it would have been obvious who did it.

And I seriously doubt that the University would have ordered the burglary.

So it would be logical that a hostile intelligence agency, or hostile intelligence agencies, either ordered or executed the burglary, hostile to me that is.

But only a few people knew about those drives: me; my supervisor.

But if I was being spied on (as I was) then the spies would know of the existence of those hard drives but not what was on them. But they would know this if they were able to observe my activity while logged on at the University while I copied the simulation results onto those drives.

Only a national entity would be able to do this and would want to do this. And in this MI5 are the most likely. But it could also include CIA and Mossad. This is because of my opposition to their activities regarding 9/11, the subsequent wars and terrorism in Libya and Syria, etc.

I'm thinking, what if they can't understand what's on those drives, but they WANT me to continue my research? So that through their remote mind-reading technology (which I know exists from my zapping between 1998 to 2005), they can understand what is going on first, and then be the first to report the 'discovery' of the solar dynamo process?

That would be a great propaganda coup for any nation to report that they discovered the solar dynamo process. Innit?

And if it is MI5 they must also make sure it is a rightist Zionist who 'discovers' this, for propaganda purposes?

Either that or it was that hostile family from the North West of England who intend to sell it all on and/or use it themselves, but for their own personal gain, driven by a U S Military Intelligence asset.

Anyway, it will probably require my death so there is no opposition when the 'findings' are reported.

This is how fcukt up it has all become.

And all because perverts like Captain Pervert and David Icke used a secret surveillance network against me, that I was unaware of, for their own personal gain instead of telling me. I was living in one of the most anti-war homes in the UK for years while that secret surveillance was going on.

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