
Thursday, March 28, 2019


So, would you Adam and Steve it?

Turns out that the degree of separation between Captain Pervert and Tarrant is 2 at most.

Coz Captain Pervert's best mate Tommy Robinson (who recently stated that he would fight for Israel) seems to be chummy with Sellner. Not only did Robinson have a chummy interview with Sellner while Robinson was at Rebel TV (run by Captain Pervert's bumboy Ezra Levant, another demented Zionist), here's Robinson with Sellner in the flesh. And these are the kind of photos you'd have taken at your wedding with your best mates: arms around the shoulders, proud, happy smiles, proud posture, etc. Which is uncanny because the woman in the photo on the left is Brittany Pettibone, who just happens to be Sellner's fiance. Pettibone and Captain Pervert appear to be mutual, distant admirers, but with Captain Pervert now a fixture of the rightist Zionist social media army and flying all over the world, who knows what the relationship between them actually is.

Suffice it to say: Tarrant gave Sellner thousands; Sellner is engaged to Pettibone; Sellner and Robinson are pretty chummy; as are Robinson and Captain Pervert; Pettibone and Captain Pervert have a mutual admiration for each other.

They are all part of the paranoid warmongering rightist Zionist network that did 9/11 and runs paedophile networks.

So what is the degree of separation between Captain Pervert and Tarrant?

Answer : 2, maybe 1.5, maybe less.

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