
Monday, May 20, 2019


Not the Bolton Monarchy, because they've been manipulated by their 'saviour' Paul Joseph Watson for U S Military Intelligence (who ironically were probably doing, and still do the zapping, from 1998) since late 2014, maybe earlier. Coz that's when Watson started the psycho war on me.

It all started shortly after there were 2 failed abductions of me in the late 1990s: the first as I was walking to the bus stop very early in an early July 1997 morning a few days after I discovered someone in the house who left a smear of blood on the window frame as they escaped climbing out of the window; the second when a car driven by 2 sinister-looking men stopped at the bus stop in their car, almost forcing the bus to avoid stopping but I ran out of a shop doorway just at the right time.

This is no joke. No BS. No lies.

This stuff happens in the UK.

Why do so many go missing in the UK? And elsewhere?

It was around May 1998 when the zapping began. This was just after I had been accepted on to a MSc. Anyway, it was at first just a gentle click just as I was about to fall asleep. This continued all summer. I started the MSc, graduated and got a job. And that's when the zapping and E M harrassment really started. And not just zapping, but sounds, often loud and terrifying and not usual for the location: aggressive barking and growling from a German Shepherd, when no neighbours on the estate owned one; a loud shotgun being fired when there were never any reports of such a gun fired in the area. And always just as I was about to fall asleep.

This continued and increased in intensity and aggression, so that I frequently was allowed just 3 unbroken hours sleep per night, but sometimes just 1 hour of unbroken sleep per night. We need at least 4 hours unbroken sleep per night. And they were that desperate to destroy me that they had to use so much power, or maybe they just wanted to, that I could also feel the membranes in my skull vibrate for seconds at the same time as the buzzing/fizzing/rasping sound. In those nearly 7 years I probably got at most a third of the sleep I should have had, and even that was not the quality it should and could have been. And it was caused by external physical interference which has led to a nasty spasm in my neck which is now becoming painful.

I only want 2 people in the world to go through what I went through.

And that's those manipulating pieces of Zionist pervert sell-out shit Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson.
Lying in bed, just about to fall asleep, then ZZ! It takes your brain and sometimes heart about 40 minutes to recover from the EM destabilisation. Then you start to fall asleep again. Then ZZZ! And you feel your membranes vibrate. Three hours unbroken sleep. Every night. For years!

This is why U S Military Intelligence asset Infowars want me destroyed. I know their stalking/E M harrassment networks exist, and that given any influence I would expose the bastards.

Alex Jones has admitted twice that Infowars is a U S Military Intelligence asset. And Watson has been editor for years, so we can assume he has been a U S Military Intelligence asset for years too. And his sell-out actions from 2015 onwards go to prove it. Before Roger Stone: 9/11 and everything bad coz NWO/Israel/Saudis/British Monarchy/intels/banks/Bilderberg/CFR, etc. After Roger Stone: 9/11 and everything bad coz leftists, muslims and immigrants.

Total sell-out to the extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence network who did 9/11 and runs paedophile rings, like Roy Cohn did.

Therefore neither Jones or Watson nor their dupes would investigate and expose these stalking and E M harrassment networks.

They cannot be trusted.

As shown by Captain Milkshake's silence over John "mentally unstable maniac" Bolton driving Trump into a possible nuclear first strike on Iran while he goes berserk when his Zionist colleagues get milkshaked.

But Jones and Watson would propagandise for a nuclear strike on Iran for the Zionists.

Coz that is who their ultimate masters are now: the Zionists who did 9/11.

Coz they sold out.

Any subsequent operation, such as Summit News, is Zionist U S Military Intelligence.

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