
Saturday, July 20, 2019


Israel did 9/11.

Israel did 9/11 to trick the USA into fighting and paying for war for Israel against Israel's enemies.

Israel also attacked the USS Liberty.

Israel also assassinated JFK and his bro' RFK.

So who does Orange Man ally with?

Yep. Israel.

The early supporters of Zionism financed WW1 through the Federal Reserve. And around 1916, when Great Britain was close to defeat and considering peace, the Zionists persuaded the British to keep fighting because the Zionists would get the USA into the war on their side, but in return the Zionists wanted Palestine after the war. The USA joined the war in April 1917. In November 1917 the British issued the Balfour Declaration. And after the war the British were awarded the mandate for Palestine, and encouraged mass Jewish immigration to Palestine when before WW1 such immigration was not allowed or encouraged by the then ruling Ottomans. Riots and mass murder followed. The Zionists then created and collaborated with the Nazis to create a program called The Haavara in which German Jews were given free training and other financial inducements to emigrate to Palestine. But only 10% of German Jews took up this opportunity.

But after WW2 and a Holocaust by the Zionist-created Nazis?

World Jewry couldn't wait to invade Palestine and murder, rape and terrorise the Palestinians off their lands and farms into the the largest refugee camps in the world: Gaza and the West Bank. And the British not only stood by and allowed it to happen, they sometimes even assisted the Zionist terrorists!

Anyway, Israel wanted the bomb. JFK wouldn't give it to them. So they assassinated JFK and replaced him with very pro-Israel LBJ who did give Israel the bomb. Israel attacked the USS Liberty with the nod from LBJ in an attempt to persuade the USA public to attack Egypt for Israel during the Six Day War. JFK's brother RFK wanted to clamp down on the Zionist lobby and re-open an investigation into his brother's assassination, so Israel assassinated him too. BTW was Bobby aware of the USS Liberty coz Bobby was assassinated a year to the day after the USS Liberty?

And 9/11 was just the USS Liberty but on a totally different and more barbaric satanic level.

The attack on the USS Liberty resulted in 34 deaths of US servicemen and was supposed to result in the USA attacking one country.

But the USS Liberty taught Israel one thing: with a pro-Zionist in the White House Israel could get virtually anything it wanted from the USA, even attacking a US spy ship without any reprisals.

9/11 resulted in nearly 3000 deaths and resulted in the USA attacking Iraq, Libya, Syria (covertly) and very, very soon Iran. General Wesley Clark revealed it all.

So when Orange Man says The Squad say bad things about Israel, The Squad are only scratching the surface. Behind Israel lies 2 world wars, mass terror, and even attacks on a U S surveillance ship, and even the largest terror attack on US mainland and 18 years of war and counting.

"Stable genius" Orange Man very, very, very bad.

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