
Monday, July 29, 2019


Nicloa Sturgeon says they're working for no-deal Brexit.

From what I've seen, read and heard she's not wrong.

Who'd have thunk it?

Me'd have thunk it.

Coz I understand the forces behind Brexit more than muggins perverts Icke and Watson.

We were told in 2016 that no-deal would never happen and that making a deal would be the easist thing in history.

Turns out it was all a massive pile of bullshit!

In a no-deal Brexit, as it stands, with just 3 months to go, many people are going to die. But because it won't be through 'Islamic terror' etc it won't be reported.

The drivers of Brexit couldn't give a rat's fart about the British people. Or Europeans.

Because their only allegiance is to money. Just like someone else I know who is trying to rob me of everything after I asked for their help, and with the connivance of Icke and Watson.

These 'people' engineered and then drove us into 2 world wars.

They want a no-deal Brexit.

They want chaos.

They thrive on chaos.

They benefit from chaos.

They engineered and financed world wars. And world wars are chaos. And they'll be alright in their chateaux or on their yachts in the med, sipping Chateau de Fucking Rothschild while a sex-trafficked 10 year old girl from Albania is sucking their you-know-what!

And in chaos the oligarchy can buy up competitors, failing businesses, etc. Just like in the aftermath of the 2007/8 financial crisis, which they engineered through regular Info-whores guest Roger the Dodger Stone.

And Icke and Watson can soak up it all up and feel empowered, god-like, Olympian, that they did the disintegrating British Empah a favour.

I salute you!

Britain salutes you!!

Go well, dear sell-outs.

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