
Saturday, July 27, 2019



AIPAC 2016 was when Trump won the 2016 election.

Despite his fake attempts at anti-Semitism (Trump was awarded the Tree of Life from the JNF, etc), Sheldon Adelson bought The White House for Orange Man after Orange Man's performance at AIPAC 2016.

Here's why.

At AIPAC 2016 Trump said that the first thing he would do as POTUS would be to rip up the Iran nuclear deal. He said he hated it. He said it was the worst deal in history. Even though virtually everybody else said the deal was working and was under control, "stable genius" Orange Man knew best. And his opinion just happened to coincide with that of the demented warmongering Zionists.

Opposing Trunp, allegedly, Hillary Clinton could say no such thing. Because she supported the deal.


The FBI torpedoed her campaign just 2 days before election day. Before then, Rupert Murdoch had put Trump within touching distance of Clinton by promoting him on Murdoch's Fox network. Infowars and other Zionist media put Trump even closer to Clinton. Trump did his bit with the "Lock her up!" circus at his rallies. But something more was needed to put Trump into the White House. Cue the FBI. Just days before the election the FBI publicly announced, when they didn't need to publicly announce, that they had suddenly 'found' lots of emails from Clinton that looked 'suspicious'. Clinton immediately lost about 5% in the polls. Turns out that the FBI had sat on those emails for months waiting for the right time to use them against Clinton. Also turns out that those emails weren't suspicious at all. This 'finding' was announced with just 1 day to go before the election. But it was too late. Clinton regained only about 1% in the polls.

So Orange Man won. And his reckless withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal has led to a situation in which Israel and Saudi Arabia are very close to persuading Orange Man into a first strike on Iran.

So who will win the 2020 election?

Watch AIPAC 2020.

But here's a safe bet: it won't be anti-war Tulsi Gabbard.


Because Watson's mate, the mega-Zionist Jacob Wohl, said so!

Oh, and what ever happened to Hillary "Lock her up!" Clinton?

At Orange Man's inauguration lunch Trump led a standing ovation to her!!

Absolute comedy gold!

It's all such a farce.

Except if you live in Gaza or Yemen...

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