
Tuesday, August 20, 2019


I've referred to David Icke commenting on the power and knowledge of Rupert Murdoch and Conrad Black in a paragraph that Icke wrote in Alice in Wonderland.

Here it is:
The media play their part to perfection in these 'problem-reaction-solution' scenarios.At ownership level, people like Conrad Black at the Hollinger Group and Rupert Murdoch of News international know what is going on. The editors they appoint might know something about it, as may certain columnists, but most of the journalists will have no idea. The editor is always there to block anything they write that is against the interests of the Illuminati - as directed by the owner - and if they insist on pursuing an unwelcome story they find themselves looking for another job.

Murdoch gave Johnson his first job as a journalist, but Johnson was sacked for lying!

So Black through Max Hastings gave Johnson a job as a writer. Black eventually offered Johnson the job of editor of The Spectator.

Now ask yourself:
1. how did Boris Johnson become Prime Minister?
2. why is Johnson sprinting towards a no-deal Brexit?
3. was Johnson groomed for this?

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