
Saturday, September 28, 2019


The Zionists bought The White House for the orange one in 2016 after he stood before them at AIPAC 2016 and told them that the first thing he would do as POTUS would be to rip up the nuclear deal with Iran. The Zionists hated that plan and hated Obama for it.

They did 9/11 to get Iran. Iran is the ultimate target. And yet 18 years after 9/11 and Iran is still there. Despite many provocations. And despite crippling ball-breaking sanctions. Iran is still there, calling out the USA and their Zionist masters.

Many claimed Hillary Clinton was the chosen one. But when I heard the orange one say what he said at AIPAC 2016 I knew he was the chosen one. And it proved so. Clinton supports the deal so would not withdraw from it. Trump ripped the deal up eventually, but only after first visiting The Hermitage in Tennessee to salute the rotting corpse of the Godfather of the Confederacy, Andrew Jackson, and then flying to Riyadh to sell-out to the perps of 9/11, that "cancer on the world", Saudi Arabia.

So why is ripping up the nuclear deal so crucial to the Zionist plan for war on Iran?

Because ripping up that plan would provoke Iran into re-starting its nuclear program. Netanyahu and Israel regularly claimed that Iran was 6 months away from the bomb so demanded there must be pre-emptive war on Iran. But the JCPOA took that away from the Zionists.

And now it looks like the EU are losing patience with Iran and are threatening to withdraw from the deal.

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