
Thursday, October 31, 2019


In March 2007 Seymour Hersh published a very prophetic article in The New Yorker. That article was entitled, The Redirection.

9/11 was done by extreme Zionist factions in the USA, UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

9/11 was done to get Iran.

Their plan was for war in 7 nations in 5 years, ending up with war on Iran.

Those 7 nations were Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia, and finally, after destroying/weakening these 6 nations and allies of Iran, Iran.

So they sold us a load of bull about WMD in Iraq in 2003.

Then Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006, but lost.

So by 2007 the 9/11 warmongers were seriously, SERIOUSLY behind schedule.

So what to do next?

Here's what Hersh wrote in early 2007:
Nasr went on, “The Saudis have considerable financial means, and have deep relations with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis”—Sunni extremists who view Shiites as apostates. “The last time Iran was a threat, the Saudis were able to mobilize the worst kinds of Islamic radicals. Once you get them out of the box, you can’t put them back.”

So what happened next?

The CIA/US State Dept organised The Arab Spring for North Africa and Middle East. The Arab Spring was just cover for Islamic extremist death squads to do the evil blood-soaked work of the US-Israeli-Saudi axis-of-satanism. Eventually The Arab Spring kicked off in Libya, where MI6 and British Special Forces allied with, assisted, armed and trained al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and NATO became the Jihadi Air Force.

After these Jihadis murdered Gaddafi in October 2011 they and their weapons were smuggled into Syria. Former French foreign minister Roland Dumas states that in 2009 he was asked by the British to organise rat-lines to smuggle Jihadis into Syria.

But these Jihadis failed to get and kill Assad.

So NATO and allies organised to create and sustain Islamic State in Syria for that aim: to get and kill Assad.

But Islamic State also failed, due to the competence and heroism of the Syrian Arab Army and allied Syrian forces. Russia only intervened just 1 week before the publication of the final report into MH17 in September 2015. And even then Russia allowed Israel to do whatever Israel wanted to do in Syria!

Anyway, in early 2007 Seymour Hersh said that demented Jihadi forces would be unleashed onto nations considered to be opposing the US-Israeli-Saudi 9/11 axis-of-evil.

Four years later that happened.

The Redirection is probably the article of the 21st century.

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