
Saturday, October 12, 2019


Russia has allowed all the wars since 9/11.

Putin allowed the wars on Iraq and Lebanon.

His puppet Medvedev allowed the war on Libya by ordering the Russian Ambassador to the UN to abstain in the vote for war on Libya. China did the same.

This needs explaining.

And in Syria we have seen the true Putin:
1. only got involved in Syria (overtly) just 1 week before the publication of the final report into MH17;
2. allowed Israel to do whatever Israel wanted in Syria, as long as Israel told Russia first (which reminds me of a scene in The Office in which Gareth Keenan gives his boss, David Brent, permission to give a presentation to the office employees);
3. didn't give Syria the S300 until Syria shot down a Russian military aircraft, killing 14 Russian military servicemen;
4. and even then the S300 missiles have missed Israeli targets and landed harmlessly in Cyprus.

And then there's the meeting with Trump in Helsinki last year, at which both Trump and Putin commited to guaranteeing the security of Israel.

Adam Green's latest vid explains all this: Putin is Chabad in all but black suit and a black Fedora hat.

Putin and Netanyahu are like Alex Jones and Satan: joined at the hip.

I do believe that in 2016 Russia played a role in influencing the EU referendum vote and the US presidential election. Small roles but just enough to influence the outcome.

And Putin knew it.

And Mueller was chosen to cover it up because Mueller covere up 9/11 and Trump's money-laundering for the CIA/Mossad/mob at Resorts International.

The Russian intervention in Syria was simply to deflect from the MH17 report, so that when that report was published Russia could simply hold up their hands and say, "What? Me, gov? While I'm killing Islamic State in Syria? Pfft!"

And as for Palestine? Even little Austria gives Palestine more than vast Russia with all its natural resources spanning 13 time zones and all those useless nukes!

Apart from the folly of interviewing Gil-Shuster on Know More News, Adam Green is close. He and Christopher Bollyn and Christopher John Bjerknes are close.

It's not the Jews. It's the Zionists. And money-grabbing pervert (and external drive thief?) David Icke has recognised this and latched onto it, dropping the reptilian theme for The Trigger and focusing on the Sabbatean-Frankist death cult instead.

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