
Saturday, November 23, 2019


Ridiculously racist.

Yesterday Zionist.

Today add racist.

At 01:19:00 our hero, played by Brad Pitt, awakens from a coma-like sleep after surviving a plane crash and somehow managing to walk from a remote forest in Wales to a top secret WHO research lab.

The lab has also suffered from the zombie virus and most of the staff are now zombies. However, there are 4 that are not. Two of them enter the room where Pitt has awakened and they all discuss the virus. By now Pitt has a theory about how to stop the spread of the zombie virus. He is asked, "What do you need from us?", and Pitt replies, "Your worst disease".

Immediately the film shows an isolated very dark-skinned zombified woman banging her head against a window.

Zionism is racism.

Remember: despite the extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda that Paul Joseph Watson is now spewing (and will do for ever more now that he has faxed his soul to Satan), leftists, muslims and immigrants, nor indeed anyone who is not white, did 9/11.

9/11 was done by, generally, white men associated with the UK, Israel and the USA, (ie the Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment which is currently driving a no-deal Brexit) with a little help from "that cancer on the world" Saudi Arabia.

The day is fast approaching when the world will demand the lynching on the nearest lamp post of Paul Joseph Watson.

He sold out this guy and thus all of us, and all for a bottle of Turbot Farce.

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