
Saturday, November 16, 2019


Tommy Robinson is Mossad. He wears Mossad t-shirts. He stands on Israeli tanks proudly brandishing an automatic rifle. He still claims 9/11 was done by Muslims. He was The Shillman Fellow for the ultra-Zionist Rebel media run by ultra-Zionist Ezra Levant who organised a rally in Calgary in 2014 in support of Israel's infanticide in Gaza.He said he would fight and die for Israel. And Robinson claims he is the "King of the Islam race". Yes, he was trying to expose Muslim paedo rings. But what about Epstein? Was Robinson trying to expose Mossad paedo rings? Er, nope. Alex Jones has this same kind of thinking, that some paedophile rings are good (like that of Roy Cohn) while some are bad.

In my opinion ALL paedo rings are not just bad, they are evil and sick.

But I'm not an extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset like Alex. Or Scoop.

Anyway, if Scoop wants to play the game of guilt by associaton...

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