
Friday, January 10, 2020


If you thought Auschwitz was the worst Nazi death camp then think again.

The Mauthausen/Gusen I/II/III complex was worse.

It was initially primarily used to work Polish intelligentsia to death. Then inmates were hired out to local businesses for slave labour for a fee. It was at one time the most deadly and most profitable death camp for Nazi businesses.

But then after the Nazis began Operation Barbarossa the camps were flooded with Soviet PoWs who were used as slave labour to mine granite for Albert Speer's envisioned glorious shining Nazi cities. Those who were ill or frail were bludgeoned to death. Or pushed off the edge off a cliff. Or injected. Or killed in other nefarious ways.

One local high-ranking Nazi SS official and industrialist, and friend of Goering, Georg Meindl used slave labour from Gusen. He 'disappeared' after the USA occupied that region of Austria. A corpse found partially burned in a shed was said to be his due to a pristine document found on his alleged charred body, but an autopsy at the time failed to prove the corpse was Meindl's.

Another Nazi fugitive in Argentina?

Mauthausen was brutal. Horrific. Class 3. Nicknamed by Nazis as, The Bone-grinder.

The Nazis destroyed most of the archives, and then the land on which the Gusen camps were based was bulldozed and used to build more modern dwellings.

But that's what happens when the USA occupies a nation and ships all the Nazi evil back to good 'ol 'Murica in Operation Paperclip.

They never left.

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