
Tuesday, January 14, 2020


They said Soleimani was about to launch imminent attacks against 'Muricans.

He was instead on a peace mission at the request of Trump himself!

Still no evidence has been provided of these attacks, and the SecDef cannot do so, citing only 'belief'.

Israel was also involved in the assassination.

The assassination provoked Iran into firing a volley of missiles at a US base in Iraq but told Iraq beforehand to avoid casualties.

But the assassination destabilised Iran's air defences and a passenger plane was shot down (possiby after Iran's air defences were hacked to (1) present the plane as a US missile, then (2) jam communications so an operator had to make a split second decision to shoot the 'missile' down to stop thousands of Iranian deaths.

Emperor Trump is now ignoring Iraq's demands to leave Iraq.

Now Pompeo is saying that Soleimani's assassination was part of a broader strategy against America's foes and a warning that the USA will take out leaders.

The assassination was also supposed to be a deterrent.

A deterrent against what? Doing 9/11?!


Iran didn't do 9/11. Neither did Syria, Libya, Lebanon and Iraq. But they were all attacked by the Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment that did do 9/11 (and is also behind Brexit) in a plan revealed by General Wesley Clark.

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