
Saturday, February 29, 2020


Exhibit 1 :

Paul Joseph Watson wrote a book about 9/11. In that book he blamed The New World Order and their intels. This book got Watson a job at Infowars. Watson and Infowars also blamed The New Word Order, their intels, their banks, the British Monarchy, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Freemasonry, the Rothschilds, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Skull & Bones, etc for everything bad in the world. Infowars and Watson made a small fortune from over a decade of making these accusations.

In 2015 when Donald Trump announced that he was running for President, Infowars mocked Trump and even suggested that he was a shill for the Clintons, that he would become the Republican candidate and then deliberately say and do things that would drive the American electorate into the arms of Hillary Clinton.

But then this creepy freak called Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars to promote Trump to the Infowars demographic. Stone played crucial roles to enable 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2007/8. Stone and Trump were very, very close, perhaps too close, to the dark CIA/Mossad agent Roy Cohn. Cohn had been given a job in a New York law firm by the CIA to become the de facto liaison between the mob and the CIA. Cohn also ran paedophile networks for the CIA and thus probably Mossad too. This is the CIA/Mossad/mob network that spawned Trump. In 1987 Trump bought the CIA/Mossad/mob money-laundering front Resorts International, and was saved from personal bankruptcy owing billions through a sweetheart deal engineered by his current Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, who was one of the top bankruptcy specialists for the Rothschilds.

So you can see that Trump is totally owned by the CIA/Mossad/mob networks, without whose assistance he would be holding hands with Paul Joseph Watson as they cleaned toilets together with their tongues.

But with the regular appearance of Stone on Infowars they began to change their tune.

Almost overnight Infowars went from blaming terrorism, wars and everything bad on The New World Order to blaming terrorism, wars and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants. And after warning us not to fall into the left-right paradigm, Infowars dove naked into the far-right bit of the left-right paradigm.

Alex Jones has told us on several occasions that Infowars and Trump are assets of U S Military Intelligence.

And since 'leaving' Infowars, Paul has continued to blame terrorism, wars and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants, and he even flogs Infowars products, all of which suggests that he has not 'left' extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars at all.

And where were extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence on 9/11? Conveniently AWOL!

So has Paul Joseph Watson sold out to the perps of 9/11? Yes.

Exhibit 2 :

In the last few months articles by Paul Joseph Watson (which could have been written by his U S Military Intelligence handler, or a team that his handler manages) have been appearing on, and the postings have usually been attributed to Garth Icke, though at least one reposting was attributed to Jaymie.

The charges :

The accusation is that, by reposting articles by bona fide extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Paul Joseph Watson on, the Ickes have also sold out.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury : Have the Ickes sold out? Erm, yep!

So we have to ask: what was their price?

What did they sell out for in return?

I believe that part of the deal was that the Ickes would get copies of the codes, theses and ideas hacked from my computers and burgled from my sister's house.

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