
Friday, February 14, 2020


EIR/LPAC are currently defending Donald Trump. But Trump is a bought Zionist who sold-out to the perps of 9/11. EIR/LPAC are demanding that we go to the moon and Mars, while ignoring the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Zionists.

And now EIR/LPAC are defending Roger Stone!!


Stone was found guilty by a jury of 12 of his peers.

And Stone played crucial roles in enabling 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2007/8.

Was there a Zionist plot between military intellgence networks in Israel, Russia and the USA to install Trump in The White House, and somehow EIR/LPAC got dragged into it?

Some of what I know about Roy Cohn, Roger Stone and Trump, and the network behind them, I learned from EIR/LPAC publications from decades ago, and that Cohn/Stone/Trump network was not appreciated or liked by EIR/LPAC.

So why are EIR/LPAC now promoting Zionist Trump and dodgy Roger Stone?

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