
Monday, March 16, 2020


He lived by the Dow Jones Index. That's what he always pointed to (even though the main drivers of the DJI were NWO corporations, the same NWO he was allegedly fighting).

When Covid-19 first struck the USA he called it a Democrat hoax and that it would simply blow away. Today the DJI was just 600 above the level it was when he was inaugurated. In less than 1 month the DJI has gone from a peak of 29400 to 20448. When he took over the DJI was at 19800.

The reason for this crash is Trump himself, nonchanantly treating the virus as a hoax that could be beaten with the flu jab. Now facing many, many deaths in the USA because the health system in the USA favours the wealthy, Trump is desperately trying to use US taxpayer money to buy a vaccine to save his own political life.

So Trump has created this himself. Yup. Stable genius Trump.

Stable genius Trump who sold out to the perps of 9/11 and the perps of the financial crisis of 2007/8.

Which funnily enough were both enabled by his old dear colleague, Infowars ace, and friend of Paul Joseph Watson, the now convicted felon Roger the Cuck Stone.

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