
Sunday, June 21, 2020


1. Roger Stone, Donald Trump and Roy Cohn were all very, very close;
2. Roy Cohn was the liaison between the mob and the CIA, and also ran paedophile networks for the CIA;
3. Roger Stone played crucial roles in the 2 most significant events of this century so far: 9/11, and the financial crisis of 2007/8;
4. Roger Stone appeared on bona fide U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars to promote Trump;
5. Infowars then stopped blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the real culprits (Saudis, Israel, banks, Bilderberg, etc) and began to blame 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants;
6. Trump said he would expose 9/11, suggesting it was the Saudis;
7. but as soon as he was inaugurated Trump sold out to Israel and the Saudis, appointed many swampers (Bilderberg/CFR/Skull and Bones, etc) and expressed his affinity with the British monarchy;
8. Trump is not exposing 9/11 and is now stabbing the families of victims of 9/11 in the back;
9. Now nobody is talking about those 2 most significant events of this century so far: 9/11, and the financial crisis of 2007/8;
10. Now those supporting mega-Zionist sell-out Trump are promoting a preposterous far-right Zionist theory that the USA is under attack from a Marxist terrorist organisation;
11. So when 9/11 comes around in September this year, everyone will ask each other, "Did 9/11 actually happen?"

It's all a scam. Roger Stone played crucial roles in 9/11 and the financial cisis of 2007/8: he led the Brooks Brothers Riot that got George W Bush elected in 2000 so that on 9/11 Bush was surrounded by PNAC; and Stone scuttled the investigations into corrupt practices of Wall Street.

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