
Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Jackson had been embroiled in British espionage for decades through his association with Aaron Burr. When Burr was fleeing justice for treason against the USA, Burr stayed with Jackson for several weeks. Burr then fled to Great Britain and stayed with the chief of British Intelligence, Jeremy Bentham.

Burr returned to the USA, and he and another British agent, Martin van Buren, worked to get Jackson elected as President:
1. Once President, Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States (BUS2) which was financing the growth of the United States as a whole as a rival to the British Empah;
2. He then transferred all U S Government deposits in BUS2 into banks run and/or owned by his cronies;
3. Those banks (known as Jackson's Pet Banks) used that money not for investment in industry, etc, which BUS2 would have done, but instead used it for land speculation;
4. Thus the nation's assets had been squandered by Jackson's cronies leaving no money to finance industry, etc; 5. Jackson's Indian Removal Act drove many native American tribes off their ancient ancestral lands in soon to be Confederate states like Georgia;
6. Those lands were then sold to planters who, because Jackson's Pet Banks had squandered their assets, required slave labour to work those plantations;
7. Thus the south became a rural economy dependent on slavery, with very little industry to manufacture weapons should there be a war;
8. The British then sent in Giuseppe Mazzini and activated agents based in and around Boston to split the USA over slavery.

Jackson also supported the admission of the slave state of Texas into the United States of America.

This is the man whose rotting corpse Trump saluted.

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