
Sunday, July 12, 2020


Infowars sold out to the extreme rightist Zionist network that did 9/11. That network produced Donald J Trump. In that network Trump's mentor and "greatest friend" was Roy Cohn. Cohn was given a lawyer job in New York by the head of the CIA in order to become the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob. And Cohn also ran paedophile networks for the CIA: to collect blackmail material; and to supply chldren to be abused at the parties of CIA-sponsored satanists, some of which Cohn attended.

The media in the USA could have slaughtered Trump in 2016 by dredging up this sordid history of Cohn. But they didn't. Why? Because Trump was the chosen one, because of his rabid Zionism: Clinton supported the Iran nuclear deal; Trump said he'd pull out of it asap (which he did).

The media in the USA did cover Cohn in 2016. They couldn't ignore him. So they portrayed him as an eccentric but loveable rogue.

Cohn knew where the bodies were buried. Lots of 'em.

Cohn developed a very curious Zionist bunch of disciples, which included Trump and Roger Stone.

When Trump announced his decision to run for the presidency, Infowars laughed at Trump, claiming he was working for his best mates the Clintons. But Trump was the chosen one: Clinton supported the Iran nuclear deal; Trump told AIPAC 2016 that he'd rip that deal up asap.

It was then that dodgy Roger Stone began to appear in a regular slot on U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset. Infowars. Almost overnight Infowars went from blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the NWO to blaming 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

Alex Jones now calls Roy Cohn, who ran paedophile networks for satanists, "a great man".

Alex Jones is now calling Wayfair a hoax.

After they sold out to the perps of 9/11 and satanist paedophile networks, I don't believe a word that Alex Jones, Infowars and Derek say.

Do you?

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