
Sunday, July 26, 2020


He claims that he is the son of God, and that we should all just love each other. But quite a few of his theories have been shown to be false, and predictions have never happened.

But also, his far-right thug son Garth:
1. mocked gay, anti-war, anti-racist activist Owen Jones when Jones was violently assaulted by neo-Nazis;
2. mocked me when my sister's house was professionally burgled for 2 external hard drives;
3. calls many people "c*nt";
4. tweets hard-core porn, even on his daughter's birthday;
5. let's his daughter wear Disney clothes, after all that his daddy Dave has said about Disney being a key bloodline of the Illuminati;
6. promotes Zionist sell-out Paul Derek Watson.

And of course, daddy Dave still promotes himself on bona fide extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars, despite knowoing the Zionist Confederate intel background of Alex Jones.

And daddy Dave seems to be oblivous to all this coz Dave is handing control of the influential Icke media empah to Garth.

This is all a very disturbing development of events.

Particularly if David and Garth know who has copies of the data and codes burgled from my sister's house and hacked from my computer, and even worse if they have copies themselves.

They could say, "But we're all on the same side and we're in such a desperate situation that whatever is yours is ours. Coz only we can save humanity."

I would say, "Well, we're not on the same side. Why dont' you ask me? And if we're in such a desperate situation then why aren't you giving your books and music away for free?"

Well, I'll tell you why: they're all stuck in their reptile brains.

Even David Icke.

I mean, have you seen David Icke in your local town centre handing his books and videos/CD out for free?



Coz he's a fraud.

Why else would Garth Icke mock me after my sister's house was burgled. TOTAL FRAUDS!!

I have to say that I am seriously disappointed in the Ickes: I saved daddy Dave's IP in the mid-2000s, but then he spies on me, and his son Garth mocks me.

Something is wrong with the Ickes, and they must be stopped, before they, like Infowars and the Q movement, ruin the truth movement.

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