
Friday, August 07, 2020



I know this was filmed in the late 1990s, but now see what his protege Paul Joseph Watson is doing: attending clandestine meetings with Zionists and Zionist media activists, one of whom is actually on the major, major, major payroll of Ghislaine Maxwell!!


I mean: COME! ON!!


Israel did 9/11. It's as plain as day. Israel and their agents produced documents calling for the USA to start war on their enemies, demanding a new Pearl Harbour. Then, lo and behold, the boogeyman Osama bin Laden allegedly attacks the USA on 9/11, which provoked the USA into war, first in Afghanistan (for opium), and then on Israel's enemies: Iraq 2003; LEBANON 2006 (by Israel but USA supported it); Libya 2011; Syria 2011-. Trump tried to start war on Iran by assassinating General Soleimani, but failed, so he's now appointed Elliot Abrams as Special Envoy to Iran to see what he can manufacture as a casus belli. And Trump has just awarded the contract to steal Syria's oil for the Kurds. That is designed to empower and encourage the Kurds to demand autonomy from Iran. And when Iran refuses? WAR!


Of all the targets for war for Israel, Iran is the biggie. They did 9/11 to get Iran.


Ten years ago Derek opposed war on Iran, and wrote several anti-war articles on war on Iran.


When Trump starts war on Iran it'll be very interesting how Watson spins now supporting war on Iran.


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