
Sunday, August 23, 2020


Garth Icke mocked anti-war, anti-racist Owen Jones when Jones was violently assaulted by neo-Nazis. Garth mocked me when my sister's house had been professionally burgled, even though I donated £1000 to his dad's fund to save his IP. Garth calls virtually everyone a c*nt, tweets hard-core porn (even on his daughter's 2nd birthday!), and allows his daughter to wear Disney clothes (when his daddy Dave states that the Disney family is one of the most powerful families in the Illuminati).

Garth has today tweeted a song he wrote entitled, "Remember who you are". Perhaps Garth should remember he is supposed to be the son of the son of God?

Anyway, due to this behaviour and that of his daddy Dave, I no longer believe a word they say. To me they are fake. Daddy Dave proved that beyond a doubt last week when once again he promoted himself on bona fide extreme rightist Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars. Garth promotes Paul 'Derek' Watson who holds clandestine meetings with Zionist traitors to 'Murica such as Jacob Wohl who now works for Ghislaine Maxwell.

The video below should be watched in every house of 'Murica.

The essential people to follow are Adam Green of Know More News, Tony Gosling/Martin Summers from Not the BCFM Politics Show, Richie Allen, and Webster Tarpley.

I'm starting to wonder: did Steve Pieczenik do 9/11?

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